Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dare Devil.

Hello guys! I just got home like few hours ago. Went JB - Malaysia with Aki only hahah. Felt lika daredevil. She couldnt believe its just the two of us. But Im not that afraid since like I've went to Taiwan and Korea without my family's company but it's the first time for her i guess? ^_^V but i have to admit that Jb's pretty screwed up so yups.. hahah took bus thr for the first time and reached in like half an hour? Its super fast like Im amazed. I usually took cab with my fam and it cost alot more and the duration thr was also longer. ): oh well... hahah Ate alot thr. really aint gonna post pix cuz i believe that Aki will do a blog post abt this and her would have like alot more views so its kinda pointless  =P or, Im just lazy heheee. She spammed call me at like 930. and she's really good at it no joke. K anyways u guys can stay tune and check out her blog post about our trip so yup. got afew stuff. show u guys next time. ^_^V

also..i might sound really happy everytime but like i do have conflicts at home like duhh imma freaking human so yaa.. haha just had conflicts with both my parents. not going into details but.. ever felt like u wanna be a really good son/daughter but ur parents wont let u. I mean like u thought doing this would please them but they got angry instead? the worst part is they describe u as something you are not and out of anger you'd say really hurtful things to defend yourself and things just got worse from thr. The best part was, u couldnt even rmb whats the last thing u guys argued abt..=/ Urmz idk but feeling kinda lonely now cuz I dont think Ill be speaking to both of them anytime soon and my sis is sleeping lika pig. eeks. But for those who're feeling low! my suggest would be.. either take a really long and nice bath or go to sleep. You'll feel as good as new  hehee

p/s: I just did some hair mask and my hair smells really yumz ^_^V also im damn good at multi task ahaha im like watching ''journey to the center of the earth'' right now. also i just changed my sheets. xo bye guys enjoy ur day! Love ya'll.
My bed w new sheets heeeh.

ate lika pig today this was just one of the fifth main course we had LOLno joke.

for those who're curious abt the Mac's prosperity burger, I had one of those today the beef one. Kinda disappointing plus it had lots of onions. I shall judge the burger >: and give it.. 3/5. HAHAHA but seriously it doesnt taste as good as samurai burger ):  </3 Pictures r deceiving okays. I need to download photoshop! Pls help me anyone hahahh

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