Tuesday, January 10, 2012


A drama titled 珍爱林北 inspired me to do this post. Was just thinking     abt all these aft watching a random episode and decided to write it here and share it with you guys.


我想,我一定会伤心的。 瞎了,就每天只能面对黑暗,分不清白天或是晚上-什么都看不见。
但是再我还没瞎之前,我会找一个会爱一辈子我的男生。不许要很帅的,也不许要很有钱。只要很爱,很爱我的就够了 但是,要能接受我会变一个什么都看不见的新娘(还有啊,声音要很好听哦‎(ж^□^ж))。我会每天都去找他,把他的样子记在我的心里,至少,瞎了以后我还知道他的样子。也会每天约会!制造很多的回忆, 瞎掉后脑里还会有和他开心的画面。

至于我的家人和朋友。我也希望他们不会应为我,有任何的改变。会继续好好的活下去,也会一样的疼爱我 我就很开心了。那,就算我瞎了,还是会觉得我很幸福,快乐的。

what would u do, if u know that you will turn blind one day?

For me, of course I'll be devastated. When a person is blind, the only thing i face every single day would be darkness, i cant tell if it's dusk or dawn. But before I go blind, I'll find a man that would love me unconditionally. Dont have to be good looking or be filthy rich. But! he have to accept the fact that I'll be a sightless bride(also, he must have a nice voice!! heheee (#>_<#) ). I'll find him everyday, remembering his features and different facial expressions so at least, when im blind, I can still picture him in my mind. We will go to different places everyday! To make more memories so I'll still have many happy moments with him that i could recall once in awhile.

As for my family and close friends. I hope that they will live as just like how they were, without any changes. Also, hope that they will just love me like before. Like this, I'll also feel blissful and happy even if i turn blind.

P/s: I've got 150 views today! yayy I know it's not alot but i still appeciate everyone of you! Thank you for giving me more motivation to blog! Much loves.


  1. what is the drama title in english?
    Your post makes me think.. what will i do if i'm blind? I think it's to scary >_< When someday we can't see anything, can't see the people that we love.. to scary to think about it :(

    Congrats on you 150 page views :)
    I also newbie in blogger so I know how you feel, when we see many people come and read our blog ^^

  2. hehe! The drama is called Lin Bei. Yeahh!! cheers to being a newbie! Hehehe i like ur blog!!
