Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Should i?

Hello readers! This is a sneak peak of what I've got in Taiwan the past few days. Was thinking if i should do a haul vid + give away. Leave a comment!


So, Ive been stuck indoor today because i think i strained my already injured leg when i was dancing so ya now waiting for it to be fully recovered. T^T  then i can start to dance / work again. >< weather's pretty nice here. Am listening to jay chou songs (peaceful)!!  How're  you guys feeling?? ^-^ Have a nice day!!

you cant be brave if you've only wonderful things happen to u..

Friday, November 25, 2011

Taiwan day 3&4!

Blah Hi guys didn't get to blog this morning cuz I injured my leg plus o was busy googling how to relieve pain and asking friends for help k not gg into details but it's pretty bad=\ hmm yeah it's the first time that it's so serious and cabed back to hotel last night and couldn't go to luxy cuz of the pain. Friends bought supper for me whee super nice of em Keke so enjoyed myself while resting. This morning I woke up and I felt that the swelling got worse and cant even walk was thinking of just getting bandage from Watson and continue w wtv activities but sakae managed to convinced me to go to the hospital and. I thought I was gonna die walking just two blocks from my hotel to the hospital. Then ya the people were rlly nice thr ^-^ grateful ~~~ Hehh like angels literally. Ya got special service and jumped cue idk why and many people thought we are jap idk why too hmm haha alot of people say Konichiwaaa hehhh yeah then met some local friends again they brought us to nice places and ate until my stomach was gonna burst Hahah and still forcing us to eat tmrw got Taiwan breakfast Yayyyy ok Anws, I don't feel like leaving ): k then went to 五分铺 and I don't think anyone Shuld go thr cuz it's rlly boring either ugly and cheap or nice and expensive Hahah yeah met more taiwanese and went to another 夜市 it's alot btw thr ^_^v bought alot of things again Hahah shall drink alcohol plus supper 2nite! Okie bye bye <3 p/s: I think I'm dope cuz I walk for 15hrs straight aft I leave the hospital sigh was limping thru out bearable pain but still hmmm haha okie shall take out my bandage to see if it got worse >< didn't get to go dance soul today too damnit!!!!! Yesterday: I went to 放天灯 and spot a rainbow by the waterfall ^_^ Hehh

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Taiwan day 1

Boo back to blogging and it's 859 now abt to go out ^-^ so I woke up pretty early yesterday then went to the bank to do some paper work at 9 we're like the first customer ㅋㅋ most of the bank opens at 9 so we reached there at 858 ok then took train there and bought the single ride ticket it's lika token and ure suppose to tap in and when u go out thrs a place for u to put in the token so u won't have to like go to the machine to return haha pretty clever~ Anws ya went to the.. Urm.. Sry I kept forgetting the names of the places Hahah ya I've got no time to elaborate u check out the pix k ^_^ some temple looking place and I'm not gonna lie it's boring thr haha less u like to see a human-trying-2-be-a-soldier-statue. Ok moving on went to eat and drank koi cafe but it's.. Not the usual one I mean it's name 50 smth idk how u read tt word =\ haha it's v cheap here although thrs not much diff might wanna try 黑糖玛琦哚 it's quite nice I tied my friend's haha then went back to Ximena ding with some locals they've been trying to help me find the plug it's freaking hard to find! But ya Keke they rock ^_^ then went to meet my other friend who is local also at ximending oh ya and he's a 变态 hope I typed correctly don't wanna get this wrong.. JUST KIDDING haha he came down even thou he's sick ^_^ 谢谢~(^ ^)haha went to walk ard and did ya enjoyed myself then went to party world to meet another bunch of plp freaking big it's like entire building haha and I saw my first proper Christmas tree thr ^_^ then finally sakae arrived so brought her to ximending night market was shopping happily until people suddenly run away like everyone cuz got police haha I swear theyre freaking fast I was like stunned for a sec Hahah then went back to rest ^_^ ok bought quite alot of stuff and I'm gonna be broke of it goes on like this should I do a haul?? And btw the pix could have been a thousand times nicer if I used a proper cam!!! Also thr like alot of bikes and I saw a nun wearing beanie and listening to mp3 freaking cute