Sunday, February 5, 2012


. my green slipper
heh this is my bed head. Went to stay at orchard golf club for aday or so cuz my aunt went to book this place for... idk what hahah. The place is really spacious this i can hold dance rehearsals thr. Carpeted somemore =^.^= kekeee JUSTKIDDING. 

Cartoon network channel FTW!

Awesome stairway iz awesome. (9gag bibbed)

Was playing with this controller for quite awhile cuz my family members left for casino and left me alone in the hotel ): Hahah but pretty awesum feeling to have the whole room 2 urself. Heheh and also manage to fall asleep before they got home. 

Oh but before they went to the casino, we went to bowl for awhile and thats when i realised that i was a noobie ): But it's super fun when u strike. Feels like screaming =P


Met afew guys and a long lost friend of mine. She's still as lovely. We didnt catch up much and it got kinda awkward aft not meeting for so long ): eeeks. But I still feel like hugging her. ^_^V 

Went to aston's specialities. Yumz. Im hungry now heeh. Took lots of pix ^-^ but not the food this time.):
Aft awhile. Went KBOX again. K this is kinda crazy cuz, I went to sing k for like 6days in a week. Even i cant believe it. Bwahaha :D
*Food spams*


Woke up at 9 and attended some church event to watch my friend perform. Pretty interesting and everything is like new to me. Hahah
not a bad experience. Everything was cool cept' for the part when I'm looking for the place. >: Oh wells.

Aft that, I went over to Aki's place. Starving so she cooked Meatballz for meee yayy. Her place got the best food ^-^ No joke. (Y)
Sakae came chuuu! Watch death bell tgt. FYI it's some horror show. It's okay prob cuz we watched in the evening that's why we wasnt so afraid.



Enuff of crapz.*cue sad music*

Anws, it's 2am right nowz. Went for rehearsals w my fam and had some heart to heart talks. Urmz then i realised that Im a lousy person esp. had too much fun this few days that I am feeling pretty fucked up myself. I felt really sucky I mean for every bad things I have done. I have been staying out really late or early(if u know what i mean) this few days. And not telling anyone whr the hell am i or who i am going out with cuz' I was selfish and thought that it doesnt matter to anyone. For those people who cared and those that i really loved. I just wanna apologise to everyone to i am really sorry for (including my real family members- sis esp.just gave mummy a hug =/ :( )not really good at expressing myself face to face esp when i am not in a good condition. It's like word vomit and things just got worse. Anyways, I will try to change for the better of cuz. Give me sometime will ya? 
xoxo, gossipgirl

Friday, February 3, 2012

All time favourite jokes.

1. Someone u hate: "Excuse me, what time is it now?" Women:" It's 1:05PM" Someone u hate:(confused look on face) "U knw, it's the weirdest thing, I've asked that question thirthy times today,, and every time someone gives me a different answer."
2.Father: well son, how r ur exam results?
   Son: They're under water
   Father: what do u mean?
   Son: below "C" level!
3.Boyfriend: Why didnt u give me anything for my birthday?
   Girlfriend: U told me to surprise u.
4. A blonde ordered a pizza and the clerk asked if he should cut it in six pieces or twelve pieces. She responded,"six, please. I could nvr eat twelve."
5.Anytime u see a young man open a car door for his girlfriend, either the car is new or the girlfriend is.

Disclaimer(duh?)*I was just doing this post for fun and I dont own them anddd~ NO OFFENCE =^-^=.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Underworld review + Somerset day

Hi guys! how ya doing. Hahah Im blogging again~ yeshh. Tday I met sakae at 313 and brought/intro-ed her to Marche for lunch. Hahah pretty interesting place cuz ya u gotta take a card to make an order for food. Thr's also another one at Vivo city hahah ambience for both outlets are equally nice~ It's a pretty nice place to chill at actually cuz it's designed to make u feel home i guess with pillows and everything so yup hahah girls talk time if u guys wanna =^.^=

She got a pear dlite and a nut pie. Feel like eating again ): oh no hahahah idk why r thr pineapple behind thou. Guess they wanna make the place look like a market place.

Sakae drinking my hot choc >: 

I got a smoked salmon rosti and she got a panfried seabass.
Both r nice but I'd prefer mine more =P duh~ keke my taste is btr. JUSTKIDDING

happy girl 123

Also, we actually finished eating like at 4? But decided to stay thr to chat cuz It's really nice and also gotta catch up w her aft "so long" ahahah

Left at 515, I met another friend of mine to catch a movie. Called Underworld if u guys heard of it. It's abt vampires and Werewolf. I didnt watch the previous series so I didnt really getit but I still did enjoy the show hahah.
ANWS, She's really hot hahah M18 show cuz' thr like some gore scenes. Kinda disturbing. really. haahh But, the bad thing abt this movie is.. it's pretty pointless i mean the story line is just blahhh~ but i like action movies so ya. probably abt.. 3.5/5? yups (#^-^#)

Few nice movies cumin out like Gone by amanda seyfried and umz resident evil. Heeee excited. Btw Im a jaychou fan aft watching Viral Factor so good news r... *drum rolls* Secret 2 and Initail D 2 is coming out this year so yup!!! *jumps like boxing hamtaro* er... k apologies. ahahahh 

aft the movies, i went to dine again. yayyy. at cine lvl 2. idk the name for everything i ordered. sry. hahahah but it looks like that. =P

went scape to rehearse for some perf coming up this month then went home.

p/s: I've got some stuff in F21 today too. Blog abt it later. 

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